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Chiropractic Care

Dr. Sue adjusting patientWhen you become a patient, our highest priority is to make you feel better. Through chiropractic adjustments, we seek to realign spinal segments that are out of place or subluxated.

When your spine has a subluxation, it interferes with your nerves. You can have a subluxation for years without having any symptoms. It’s only once the area becomes inflamed that you begin to have symptoms of pain. That’s why we encourage everyone to be under chiropractic care, whether you’re feeling great or in a state of discomfort.

The Many Conditions That Can Benefit From Chiropractic

You may be wondering if chiropractic is the right choice for you. If you have any of the following complaints, know that we have helped many similar cases:

  • Arm and leg pain
  • Bulging discs
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Low back pain
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Numbness
  • Sciatica

Dr. Sue’s Gentle Approach

You won’t have to worry about overly aggressive, forceful techniques. With Dr. Sue’s decades of experience, she’s developed an approach that’s easy on you. Her techniques include Palmer, Sacro Occipital Technique® and Flexion-Distraction. Your feedback is always welcomed, so please let us know if you have a preference for how to be adjusted.

Supportive Products Carried in the Office

You can purchase supplements and lumbar supports directly from Guarino Chiropractic. We carry high-quality products that we have seen to be beneficial over the years, making sure they’re effective for you in reaching your goals.

Call Now

Contact our friendly team today! We can’t wait to share the benefits of chiropractic with you. Same-day visits are available.

Chiropractic Care | (973) 759-3600